REWIRED-REHIRED (Rebondir, in its French title)
This book puts job loss and the job search process into a new perspective. This innovative book and training program accompany the jobseeker. A successful candidate needs to feel good about him or her-self. Guilt, shame and poor self-esteem will not help the jobseeker in today’s very tough economic environment. This book will help them take better care of themselves.
The method used in the book and our programs, based on mindfulness, positive psychology and the cognitive-behavioural approach will accompany its readers. It encourages candidates to be proactive. It also encourages solidarity in these difficult times.
First published in August 2012 the book has received excellent press coverage with many articles in major French papers.
Further to that, Marion Aufseesser the author, has been invited to present her book on France Inter, RTL and RFI all three major French radio stations during prime time since being published. Numerous articles have been written about the book.
This book is part of the “self-help guide” collection under the direction of Christophe André and enables readers to:
- approach the career transition phase in a focused and realistic manner
- regain self-confidence and self-esteem
- let go and reach the acceptance phase
- quickly assume a pro-active role during the transition phase
- construct a new career plan
- actively seek a new job
Original title:
Rebondir : Réussir votre transition professionnelle, Editor: Odile Jacob,Paris, 2012
ISBN : 978-2-7381-2824-9
ISSN : 1630-0853